Patachitra - Zeoline Art Gallery

Patachitra paintings simply translated means a traditional cloth scroll painting using intricate designs. This style of painting is part of an ancient artwork form in Odisha, Bengal and parts of Bangladesh. The mythological narratives and the folktales find a most intricate depiction in this art form and is known for its brilliant colour.. The Patuas or the artists used natural colours, like chalk to make white, pauri for yellow colour, cultivated indigo for blue, bhusakali for black and mete sindur for red and other bright colours from natural sources. In Bengal narrative art, Patachitra is a visual depiction during the performance of song, Patua Sangeet. Every Patachitra has a song to it which the artist sings while he shows his Patachitra. In Bengal Patachitra emerged a new style of Kalighat paintings known as Kalighat Patachitra with the Bengali babus with their babu-dom as the favoured theme.


Anwar Chitrakar



Anwar Chitrakar



Anwar Chitrakar



Anwar Chitrakar



Anwar Chitrakar



Anwar Chitrakar



Anwar Chitrakar



Anwar Chitrakar


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