Anirban Seth

Born in 1976 the artist from West Bengal did his BFA in 2002 - from Govt. College of Art & Craft Calcutta, INDIA with First Class, followed by ( M.V.A.) from Govt. College of Art & Craft Calcutta, INDIA with First Class in 2005. He is also a B.Sc from Calcutta University and a B.ED degree holder from Netaji Subash Open University, and has a Post Diploma in Indian Society of Oriental Art in 1999. Recipient of over 28 awards nationally and internationally for his paintings with the prestigious Prafulla Dhanaukar Arts Foundation Award, Certificate of Merit from EZCC from the Minsitry of Culture, . Govt.of India ,Oriental Art Society Award amongst many others. He has participated in innumerable solo and group shows in India in Mumbai, Kolkata, Pune New Delhi, Kerala, since 2009 till 2017. He has also participated equally in innumerable international shows and group shows through his artistic career. “A conscientious artist who wishes to highlight and address issues relevant to our times through his art, Anirban Seth also comes across as a man of exceptional creative talent.” ‘The Telegraph’, Metro: Time Out: 27th May, 2005, Calcutta. This meticulous artist has done extensive work in landscapes, figurative and floral works. Experimenting on different mediums he works with acrylic, water colour and has also worked with leather. His works combines the real natural world with the mythological with an effervescence of colour and technique that are very bright and bold on one hand leaving a lasting impression on the minds of the viewers.


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